Role of Bird Clubs/societies in PakistanCurrently the following clubs are active and catering the needs of pets and their care. I am founder member and office bearer of the under mentioned clubs/societies. Cage Birds society Founder Member/Ex-Finance secretary of the club. The club deals with all type of cage birds. Hold monthly meeting in a local hotel. Aviculture society of Pakistan Founder Member and Finance Secretary of the club. The clubs have 50 members at the moment. Club holds its monthly meeting on first Sunday of every month. The brief profile of the club is attached.
Pakistan Racing and show pigeons association Founder member and
Ex-General Secretary of the club. Club
holds pigeon races and pigeon shows. The club holds its first ever
pigeon show in Pakistan on December 1998. Few photographs of the pigeon
shows and my pigeons.
Pakistan Homers Club General Secretary of the
club. Club holds bi-monthly meeting and hold two pigeon races in a year.